Edible Mini Beast Tray

This week in preschool we explored different minibeast creatures. We created an edible minibeast tuff tray for the children to investigate using magnifying glasses and their minibeast houses. We first looked at the different minibeast creatures that come out during the springtime and the children were able to identify and name the different minibeast creatures. For the soil we used flour and cocoa powder to resemble the soil, we used spaghetti and colored it pink to resemble worms, we made cocoa playdough to resemble stones for our mini beast creatures. The children were able to explore the different types of textures and explore what happens when textures are mixed. The  children used magnifying glasses, to look in depth of the different creatures and enjoyed digging the worms out of the soil and showing their peers. We then extended the activity, where the children had to save the worms and minibeasts from the tray. The children had to use their fine motor skills to use the tweezers to save the worms and minibeasts from the tray, twisting and turning them to avoid the sticky tape on the tray. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about different minibeasts and enjoyed saving them from the tray.