Mystery boxes

This week in toddler room we began our Materials topic. To do this our older children explored some mystery boxes that had different textured materials inside.  We put our hands inside the boxes and talked about what we could feel using words like, “soft”, “squishy” and “slimy”. We made guesses and predictions of what might be inside them. Some of our predictions were: the spaghetti felt slimy like worms, the hay felt like grass, coffee that smelled and felt hard, jelly baff was squishy. We really enjoyed seeing what was inside the boxes when the mystery was revealed! The younger children within the room explored the different textures within the boxes taking the lead and cues from the older children. We really enjoyed exploring the different textures using our hands and then adding utensils and bowls to do transferring and mixing. Well done toddlers what a great week exploring different materials.