Spring Nests (1)

Spring Nests

This week in toddler room we finished off our spring topic by looking at nests. We explored and a tuft tray with different materials to create our own nests. We moulded and patted paper and cereals to create our nests and then added some eggs and little chicks. We enjoyed role playing with the chicks making them cheep and pretend to eat the cereal in the tray. The children then linked the nests to one of their favourite stories “Owl Babies”. They added the baby owl soft toys and role played the story. Throughout this play we added key points and phrases from the story and enjoyed taking turns to be “Sarah, Percy and Bill.” This was a lovely was for us to incorporate literacy into our play and showcase our love of books and stories. We also helped develop our communication and language skills through repetition and taking ques from peers. To further extend our activity we made some chocolate nests that we could take home. We used our motor skills to stir and mix cereal into chocolate. As we did this we talked about the change in colour and texture. We also were very patient taking turns and sharing the cereal with our friends. We then helped to scoop the mixture into cup cake cases and put them in the fridge. These were a lovely treat to end our week. Well done toddlers!