Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak

To celebrate Eid in the toddler room we made coconut ladoo. We mixed together some coconut flakes with condensed milk in a large bowl. We then used our motor skills to roll our mixture into balls. We really enjoyed exploring the different sizes and round shapes we could make with our mixture. We then put them in the fridge to set. Once they were ready we took them home and shared them with our families.

In preschool to celebrate Eid the children enjoyed making their own vegetable curry and chapatti. The children first helped find a recipe and then we made a shopping list of what ingredients needed to make our vegetable curry. We then decided to make chapatti with it as this is what the curry is normally eaten with. The children enjoyed learning about Eid and how Eid is celebrated around the world. The children first enjoyed naming out the different vegetables and then began to use their fine motor skills to cut up each of the different vegetables. The children then got the experience to smell the turmeric powder and enjoyed using their senses. The children then transferred all their cut vegetables in a big pot and then we sent this to the kitchen so it can be cooked. The children then got the opportunity to make some chapatti. The pre-schoolers enjoyed following step by step the method of what is needed to make chapatti. The children first started of my mixing in the ingredients and then needed an adults help to pour in the hot water. The children then mixed all the ingredients together and then started to knead the dough. The children then started to roll their chapatti in a back and forth motion and then gave it to an adult to cook. The children then enjoyed eating their curry and chapatti for their tea.