All about me

September curriculum topic: All about me


The preschool have thoroughly enjoyed the start to their September curriculum topic all about me.

Throughout the week the children have been focusing on a range of activities to support the learning of the world around us.

Linking to Understanding the world and people and communities children explored and discussed similarities and differences that make them unique and showed a keen interest to explore and learn about different characteristics between them.

“Knows some of the things that make them unique, and can talk about some of the similarities and differences in relation to friends or family” UTW- People and communities 22-36 months

To link to the new curriculum topic all about me the preschool transformed their topic role play area into a multi-cultural hairdressers to include different types, texture and shades of hair. Sharing books around diversity and what makes us unique.

For this week’s activities the children researched different homes from around the world and completed a brainstorming activity to discuss and reflect to share their own ideas and thoughts and descriptions of their own homes.

“Provide activities and opportunities for children to share experiences and knowledge from different parts of their lives with each other” UTW- People and communities – 22-36 months enabling environments