Growing Beans

The Horses planted beans to start to look at the growing process. The children planted beans, they explored the beans they planted, making predictions about what might happen and what might grow from the bean plant. The children read a variety of literacy such as Jasper's Beanstalk, Jack and the Beanstalk and Life Cycle of a Bean books. 

The children planted their beans on bags and the beans were placed on the window for the children to observe daily. The children watched each day as sprouts began to spurt from the bean and the growing process began. Each day the beans were looked at and the differences discussed such as the length of the spurts. 

Children made comparisons about whose bean was growing the most and the least. 

The children talked about the sunlight and the water the beans are receiving and what plants need to grow. 

The Horses will continue this experiments as the beans continue to grow. 

Learning about growth, decay and changes over time.