Fire Fighters!

Fire Fighters!

This week in the toddler room we started our new  monthly topic People Who Help Us. We focused on fire fighters. To begin we used the touch and tilt table to look at fire engines and fire fighters in action. We also developed new language through learning two new songs, “Five little Fire fighters” and “Here comes the fire truck!”. This introduced us to words like “hose”, “engine”. We then went to big garden and used the hose and some recycled water bottles to put out our own paint fire! We saved our play house by using the resources to wash away the fire. We filled up the bottles from the water station tapped and used our motor skills to pour the water onto the paint. We took turns and shared the hose and bottles so that all of our friends got to enjoy the activity. We then made our own fire engines by decorating some boxes using paint and collage materials. We were able to make our own choices and create our own representations. To further extend this we then explored our own fire service themed tuft tray. We used our fine motor skills to explore red, yellow and orange rice with fire engines, a megaphone, badge. We also dressed up in fire hats and jackets as we played and explored. Great job toddlers!