Twinkling Christmas Lights


Twinkling Christmas Lights

This week to finish our light and dark topic, preschool looked into Christmas lights and how they make our Christmas trees look so pretty! This opened up opportunity for the children to talk about their preparations they may have been doing at home with their own Christmas trees! Some said “I have a big rainbow star at the top” another child said “We’re ordering our Christmas tree very soon!” Preschool really enjoyed speaking about their Christmas tree and all the decorations they want to have on their tree, however everyone agreed that each tree needed special sparkling lights!

We then decided to create our own special sparkling light decorations for our room, to help brighten up the space ready in time for Christmas! We all got our craft on and cut out some different shapes in tissue paper and shiny paper and stuck them on the inside of the laminating sheets. We then completed a risk assessment to use the laminator and preschool understood that an adult must help as it can get very hot! We were very careful when placing our sheets of laminating paper through and watched how the laminator worked by passing it out from the other side. Once it was laminated we drew some sparkling lightbulbs and used our physical skills to cut out the shapes. Finally we used the hole-puncher to create a hole so we could thread the shapes onto some string, and using our hand-eye-coordination skills we were able to make our very own sparkling Christmas lights to hang up at the window to allow the light from outside to shine through.

Well done Preschool for you amazing and beautiful creations!