Road Safety Role Play

Road Safety Role Play

The children learned about road safety and how to safely cross the road. The children sat in a circle with a zebra crossing in the middle. They each took it in turns to be a lollipop person and held up a stop sign to stop the cars. We explained that at zebra crossings there are no traffic lights so we must use our road safety knowledge, looking left and right before we cross. They then helped their friends cross safely looking left and right before they stepped out. We then learned about another type of crossing, where they learned that when it is the red light we should stop, and when the green light comes it is safe to cross. We also spoke about what the red man means, learning we must wait for the traffic to stop and wait till the green man comes.

Preschool enjoyed learning all about road safety and we hope they have been using their skills when out and about with their families!