Summer Fruits

Summer Fruits

 The babies have had a very busy week this week. We have been exploring and learning about fruit. Our first activity was to find the hidden fruit in our texture tuft tray. We used our gross and fine motor skills to move and sprinkle the rice as we searched for the fruit. We also explored our senses enjoying the texture of the fruits and smelling and tasting them. Our next task was to wash the fruit we had found. We used individual water boxes to explore the change in the texture of the fruit as they were in the water. We also observed floating and sinking and looked at the difference of the inside of an orange to its outer skin in the water. We then repeated this sequence with the apples.

Our last activity was to make some delicious fruit ice lollies. We used our hand eye coordination and fine motor skills to slot the cut up pieces of fruit into the lolly tubes. We observed the fruit inside the tubes and continued to build on our ice lollies. With help from our adult’s water and a little bit of fruit juice was also added to the tubes. We then left them in the freezer overnight. Once they were frozen we explored the texture in the cold tube and were very excited and curious about our frozen fruit lollies and they tasted delicious and were a very refreshing result on a hot day.