Purim (1)

On Friday we learned and celebrated Purim in the toddler room. Ilai’s parents gave us some fun animal masks to play and celebrate with. With the masks we had our on Purim party with music and scarves. We all loved wearing the masks and having fun with our friends pretending to be the different animals. We then listened to a story called Barnyard Purim which we learned about Queen Esther and how she helped people.


This week on Friday, preschool explored the Jewish festival of Purim. Purim is a happy, colourful and vibrant festival, which celebrates the defeat of a Persian king in his quest to erase the Jewish people over 2000 years ago. In preschool we explored a children story called “Barnyard Purim” which emphasises on how brave Queen Esther (in the story the barnyard duck was Queen Esther) and she needed to save her friends, who were all dressed up as different characters. Queen Esther in the story showed leadership, respect and bravery to help save her friends. Preschool enjoyed listening to the story and learning about the festival of Purim.